I designed buttons, artwork and menus in Illustrator and animated in After Effects.
The menu designs are inspired by Genshin Impact.
Example of an exchange interface inspired by Genshin Impact.
Bargains Button to Scroll box selections. Selection Button to Transaction Interface. Transaction Button confirm or Cancel.
Bargains Button to Exchange Interface..
Inspired by UI in Dishonored 2, I designed these menus and transitions using Illustrator and After Effects. I made the artwork with Photoshop.
I used Photoshop for the line drawn look of button designs in Last.
Overview Menu wireframe with Mission Button selected.
Overview Menu with Mission Button selected.
Powers Button selected wireframe.
Powers Button selected.
I made the artwork in Photoshop, design UI elements in Illustrator and implemented in Unreal. .
I made the buttons in Illustrator and implemented in Unreal.
HUD Wireframe.
Quick Look Menu with flow to menus such as Character costume changes, Fast Travel and Journal.
The player can also access the Journal through other in game activities.
Flow to Journal Menu, Make Bribe Menu and Gifts Menu.
The player also has access to the Main Menu from here and directly from a shortcut button/key.